Trainers (Whitby Minor Hockey)


Please Note: As of May 15th, 2021 eHockey has been retired.  eHockey functionality will now be located at its new home inside HCR 3.0 as of June 1st, 2021.

If you have been registered in hockey previously as a Player, Coach, Official, or Trainer you can view your profile by creating an account in the Hockey Canada Registry (HCR 3.0).

Click on the following document to set up access.

The OMHA requires all teams to have a qualified Trainer. 

Team officials within different divisions and levels of play will require further CAC Training/Certification.

2024-25 Bench Staff Qualifications - pending from OMHA 
The Trainer course is offered online and takes about four hours to complete. 

In addition to this, all Trainers must complete the Respect in Sport | Activity Leader course and the Gender Identity & Expression course.

volunteers are required to submit a Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC) to WMHA every two years. To obtain a VSC please visit the DRPS website. The cost is partially subsidized with a volunteer verification letter from WMHA. Please contact us at [email protected] for more details. 

Hockey Trainers Responsibilities

Criminal Reference, Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC) - NEW OHF PROCESS

Please see the link the OHF website with the new VSC screening process for all bench staff. 

Bench staff NO longer submit VSC forms to Whitby Minor Hockey.

All submissions now go directly to the Ontario Hockey Federation - see link below.


Once you have reviewed the new process, you can apply through the Durham Regional Police for your VSC.


Emergency Action Plan

Hockey Canada Injury Report Form

HTCP Medical Information Sheet


Concussion Awareness & Protocol 

OHF Concussion Code of Conduct 

Government of Ontario Concussion Resources 

• 10 and Under Concussion Awareness Resource
• 11-14 Concussion Awareness Resource
• 15 and Over Concussion Awareness Resource

Additional Heath & Safety Resources 

Cyberbullying Information and Resources | Hockey Canada 

Concussion Guidelines for Coaches & Trainers | Parachute Canada

Concussion Return to Play | Parachute Canada

OMHA Concussion Information, Resources Update

Hockey Canada Concussion Toolbox 

Sports Nutrition for Youth: A Handbook for Coaches

Hockey Canada 'Safety Requires Teamwork' Booklet