Oct 22, 2016 | Al Savage | 948 views
NOV 13 Oshawa Generals game
On Sunday, November 13th, 2016, Whitby Minor Hockey in conjunction with the Oshawa
Generals Hockey Club will present Whitby Minor Hockey Appreciation Night starting at 6:05
PM at the General Motors Centre In Downtown Oshawa.
All Whitby Minor Hockey players, parents and volunteers are invited to the Oshawa Generals
home game as the Generals take on the Sudbury Wolves.
Discounted tickets will be offered at
$15.00 each (youth or adult). That’s a $6.00 savings vs. the at the door price.
Deadline to order tickets is Saturday, October 29th, 2016.
For more information, speak to your coach or team representative or visit the WMHA Office
located on the 2nd floor between pads 3 and 4 at Iroquois Park.