Oct 08, 2018 | Jennifer Muir | 2162 views
Minor Midget AA Best of the Best Champions
The Minor Midget AA Whitby Wildcats came home champions from
the Best of the Best Halton Hills Tournament. Going undefeated in the
round robin playing the Greater Toronto Capitals, the Hamilton Huskies, the
Ajax Knights and the Halton Hills Thunder, the boys were guaranteed a spot in
the semifinals, playing against the Belle River Jr Canadiens. With an
exciting 2-1 win over the Belle River Jr Canadiens, the boys were on their way
to the finals. Playing Rochester Grizzlies who averaged 6 goals a game,
the boys shut them down with a 2-0 win to claim the championship!
Team Members: Aidan Arkell, Matt Barrese, Liam Bowden, John Chambers, Nikita Fenev, Jacob Giles, Tanner Hubble, Lucas Leveille, Matthew Lindblad, Tyler Maguire, Josh Manou, Ethan Muir, Jay Quartermain, Byron Rowinski, Alex Tsoukas, Cole Tucker, Nolan Walker and Nolan Windover. Coaching Staff: Bill Bowden, Paul Windover, Ian Corby, Mike Lindblad, Brent Quartermain and Derek Maguire.