Oct 27, 2017 | Cheryl Wellwood | 1415 views
Oktoberfest Tournament Success!
The Minor Atom AE team had another
very successful weekend of hockey, winning SILVER at the Atom Oktoberfest
Tournament in Kitchener!
Undefeated heading into the final game, the team showed they determination and tremendous team work, never giving up. The team motto, “Team Before Me” continued to be evident in the boys’ play this weekend.
Highlights of the weekend included cheering on our fellow Minor Atom AA and A Blue teams. It’s great to see Whitby so well represented!
Continued thanks to our sponsors: Durham Kia, National Dry (Brio), The Physio Studio, Gus Brown, Chart of Accounts and The Juice Junction.
Congratulations to the players and coaches on their continued success this season!
#TeamBeforeMe #GoWildcats
Photo Credit: Christine Peters