Whitby Wildcats Peewee AE team has decided to participate in the Chevrolet Good
Deeds Cup. Our boys have chosen 3 Good
Deeds starting with sponsoring a family in need through the Durham Children’s
Aid Society.
On December 1, 2018 Our Team shopped for our sponsored family and was able to purchase: 2 pairs of skates, 2 sticks, 2 helmets, elbow pads, basketball, football, pucks, clothing, crafts, pyjamas and giftcards for the family to go out to dinner. On December 5 we delivered the gifts to the Durham Children’s Aid Society and were lucky enough to receive a tour to witness the hard work that goes into sponsoring Durham Families. Our next good deeds include volunteering in a Soup Kitchen and spending time in a Retirement home playing games with the Residents. We are very proud of our Peewee AE Wildcats…Merry Christmas from the Peewee AE Whitby Wildcats Hockey Team